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1351 He is buried in the El Alamina War Cemetery. Walter Alexander MANN
1352 He served with the A.I.F. 2/24 BN., Australian Infantry. Walter Alexander MANN
1353 "The History of Middlesex County (Ontario)" states that Margaret Jane was the dau. of Gabriel Manning (b. 1787 in Dutchess Co, NY; d. 8 Sep 1866 in Westminster TWP, Middlesex Co, Ontario) and (m. ca. 1808 in Middlesex Co to Polly Green (b. 1790 prob. in Dutchess Co, NY; d. 1 Nov 1870 in Westminster TWP, Middlesex Co, Ontario)).

The Mannings and the Greens were Loyalist families who had lived in Quebec for several years before entering Middlesex Co, Ontario. Gabriel & Polly, Matthew & Margaret Jane, and 2nd wife Maria Malvina along with other children are buried in the Brick Street Methodist Cemetery on Commissioners Road, London, Ontario. Maria Malvina was a cousin of Margaret Jane, and she and Matthew had 6 children. Matthew left his land, which he had inherited from John & Hannah, to his younger sons, Joseph and Charles Caldwell. SOUR @S0@ 
Margaret Jane MANNING
1354 She is buried in the Brick Street Methodist Cemetery on Commissioners Road. Margaret Jane MANNING
1355 She is buried in the Brick Street Methodist Cemetery on Commissioners Road. Maria Malvina MANNING
1356 SOUR @S0@ Maria Malvina MANNING
1357 Born in fifth month. Amawalk records indicate 18 May 1800. Abigail MATHEWS
1358 age 39 Dorinda MATHEWS
1359 Lists her age as 40 Dorinda MATHEWS
1360 She is the daughter of James and Juliana SLOAT MATHES [sic]. Dorinda MATHEWS
1361 Born in fifth month. Amawalk records indicate 5 May 1803. Henry MATHEWS
1362 Born in the 6th month. Birth is registered at the AmawalkMonthly Meeting, 1798 - 1884 (Births & Deaths) p. 56. Marriage record (Amawalk Monthly meeting) lists birthdate as 19 Aug 1737. Henry MATHEWS
1363 The last Will and testament of me Henry Mathews of the Town of Bedford in the County of Weschester and State of New York being seak in body but of perfect mind and memory calling to mind that all flesh is mortal do make and publish this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following - First of all I give my body to be buried at the discretion of my Executors and as for my worldly estate that God Almighty hath been pleased to bless me with which I give in manner and form following. I impower my Executors to sell and dispose of all my Estate both rail and personal that is all my lands and moveable Estate that shall not be excepted and when my lands and moveables is all sold but what is excepted and out of the money arising from such sale I order all my funeral charges paid of in full and all my just and lawful debts paid of in full and then I give unto my Son Henry Mathis Twelve hundred and fifty Dollars current lawfull money of New York. I give unto my daughter Rebecca Mathews One hundred and fifty Dollars lawfull money of New York and I give unto my daughter Abigal Mathews one hundred and fifty Dollars current lawfull money of New York and I give unto my daughter Mary Dickman Seventy Dollars current lawful money of New York and I give unto my daughter Rosanna Odle Twenty five Dollars current lawfull money of New York and I give unto my daughter Anna Sherwood Twenty five Dollars current money of New York I give unto my granddaughter Ann Mathis fifty Dollars current lawful money of New York I give all my household furniture that I had before I marryed my second wife unto my six daughters, namely unto Sarah Hoag and Hannah Hoag and Ruth Haight and Rosannah Odle and Ann Shearwood and Mary Dickman to be equally dividad between the hole six above named - I give all the household furniture that my wife brought and all that we have got sence we ware marryed unto my wife forever free and clear I give unto my son William Mathias Ten Dollars current lawfull money of New York I give unto my wife one good horse saddle and bridle one good cow I give to my wife Rebecca Mathis all the use of all the hole of my Estate during her widowhood and if either of my two youngest daughters that is Rebecca Mathis or Abigal Mathis shall die under age without issue then the other one to their sheir and if my son Henry Mathis shall die under age without issue then his sheir be divided into two equal parts and my Six oldest daughter that I had by my first wife named to the one equal sheir divided equally between them six above named and the other equal half of my son Henry Mathis's share to be equally divided between my second wife two daughters above named Rebecca Mathis and Abigal Mathis I order my son Henry Mathis to be supported out of the Interest of his portion with my wife and if the Interest will not support them I herewill I order my Executors to hand out of the principle at their discretion untill she shall marry or and then to equil all the Interest for ever and if she shall never marry then to hold all the Interest of all my hole Estate unto the day of her death I order all my lands to be sold by the consent of my wife and not without her consent and Lastly I appoint my friend Stephen Carpenter of the Town of New Castle and Joseph Whealler of Courtland Town and Moses Sutton of York Town all three of Westchester County in the State of New York to be my Executors to this my last Will and Testament owning this and no other revoking all Wills made by me before this owning this to be my last will and Testament in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Twentythird day of March in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and eleven Henry Mathews S.S. signed, Sealed, Published and declared by the above named Henry Mathis and for his last Will and Testament in the presents of us the Subscribers Elial Hoag, William Brown Abraham Pierce Henry MATHEWS
1364 Probably since he was not mentioned in his father's will. Joseph MATHEWS
1365 age 37 Laura MATHEWS
1366 She is the daughter of James and Juliana SLOAT MATHES [sic] and sister of Dorinda who married John James Outhouse. Laura MATHEWS
1367 Wife was named Mary William MATHEWS
1368 She was the daughter of John and Deliverance MALVERY MATHEWSON. Elizabeth MATHEWSON
1369 Elaine Hooten has: Zach Mathewson apprenticed to Benjamin Taylor in 1706 to become leather tanner. He and wife Sarah lived at Round Cove, Providence, RI. home farm was from Woonasquetucket River to round top church. In 1765 farm was owned by David Mathewson. Zachariah MATHEWSON
1370 Outhouse Genealogy and Amawalk records state date of birth as 4 Sep 1797. Marcia Staton indicates 4 Nov 1798 (9th month, 4th day 1798). Rebecca MATTHEWS
1371 She is buried at Woolhouse Cemetery. Rebecca MATTHEWS
1372 The Adams Family Bible gives her age as 66 at death. The Canandaigua Newspaper obituary says aged 69 years, 3 months, and 20 days.-[Outhouse Family Record.] The Historians Newsletter lists a date of 24 Dec 1867. Rebecca MATTHEWS
1373 Will was written 13 Dec 1866. [Outhouse Family Record.] Rebecca MATTHEWS
1374 She was the daughter of George and Margaret MAYER. Emma Leona MAYER
1375 age 38 Phoebe Ann MAYNARD
1376 age 47 Phoebe Ann MAYNARD
1377 age 57 Phoebe Ann MAYNARD
1378 OFG-I lists MAINS. George MAYNE
1379 She was the daughter of Leon and Samantha M. HAUGHEY MAYOU. Josephine C. Stillman MAYOU
1380 She was the daughter of Randall and Mary BLAIN MCALISTER. Mary MCALISTER
1381 (R17) says Lily died in 1940. Lily Dale MCCORMICK
1382 She is buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Lily Dale MCCORMICK
1383 He was the son of Maurice and Laliah TIDD McCULLOUGH. Harold MCCULLOUGH
1384 68, Scottish Elizabeth MCDERMONT
1385 She is buried in West Bothwell Cemetery. Elizabeth MCDERMONT
1386 James came to Canada with his parents when he was five years of age (1831), and has lived in the County of Lambton, Ontario ever since. He remained at home until 21 years of age, after which he worked for other farmers for some time before purchasing his present place. He spent one year in Kalamazoo, MI, where he learned the trade of brick making. In 1874 he erected a fine brick residence on the farm, the brick for which he made himself. James was the son of Donald and Margaret (McGregor) McGregor, both natives of Perthshire. James MCGREGOR
1387 She is buried in Pleaseant Hill Cemetery. Ann Maria MCKAY
1388 She is buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Elizabeth MCKAY
1389 1838 Nova Scotia census shows: William, age 37, family of seven. William MCKAY
1390 He is buried in the Pleasant Hill Cemetery. William MCKAY
1391 Title of Captain added by Chute. William MCKAY
1392 He is buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery. William H MCKAY
1393 Alida was the daughter of Barnard and Elizabeth DOTY MCNEIL. Cosman cites The Descendants of Jeremiah Sabean of Nova Scotia. Alida MCNEIL
1394 From "Old Merchants of New York City," by Walter Barrett, Second Series, 1863, chapter 28, as quoted by S.R. Durand:

"Archibald McVickar, the second son of merchant John McVickar, was a lawyer in the city. He married Catherine, a daughter of Judge Brockholst Livingston. Archibald, after he graduated from Columbia College, New York, went to England and finished his education at Peterhouse College, Cambridge." 
Archibald MCVICKAR
1395 S.R. Durand:

"[My father's grandfather] Dr. Benjamin Moore McVickar owned an entire city block bounded by Van Buren, Cass, and State Streets, and Juneau Avenue. He was a great horticulturist with extensive gardens and orchards on his property, and employed several gardeners. He died in1883, when Dad was 15 years old."
Benjamin Moore McVickar was born in New York City on November 12, 1799, at his parents' residence at 228 Pearl Street, then a fashionable residential part of the city. Today, lower Manhattan is a financial - business district with many tall skyscraper buildings. In 1801, the family moved to 231 Broadway. Benjamin McVickar was the youngest of seven sons and two daughters of John and Ann (Moore) McVickar. At the time of his birth, his father was one of the most eminent and wealthy merchants of New York, and a director of several insurance companies and banks.
As a young boy, Benjamin McVickar was sent to a boarding school at Greenwich, Connecticut. One of his close friends at the school was William Whitehouse, who became the Episcopal Bishop of Illinois. Also, for a time, Benjamin McVickar attended school at Bloomingdale, near his parents' country estate, which school was conducted by an Irishman who had been a captain in Napoleon's army. There he learned French, which he read and spoke fluently throughout his life.
His father died in 1812, when he was only twelve years old. At that time the family was living at No. 2 Vesey Street, having moved there from 231 Broadway. Benjamin's mother moved back to the mansion at 231 Broadway, which later became the site of the Woolworth building, the first high skyscraper in New York. His father left a large fortune, and Benjamin McVickar's inheritance made him well-off as a young man. Also, his next older brother, Nathan, died in 1820 and left Benjamin his entire estate. Benjamin studied medicine under the celebrated Dr. Valentine Mott at the old Medical College of Physicians and Surgeons, from 1816 through 1820. He received his M.D. in 1820, and for the next three years was the House Physician in the New York Hospital, on Broadway between Duane and Anthony streets, which had been founded in 1769. In 1824, Dr. Benjamin McVickar made a grand tour of Europe, as each of his older brothers had done. He crossed the Atlantic on the packet ship Cadmus, on its return voyage after bringing General Lafayette to the United States in July. He traveled extensively in Great Britain, France, Holland, and Belgium, and lived for several months at a time in both London and Paris. A letter dated April 24, 1825 from London to his older brother, Rev. John McVickar, described plans for the founding of the University of London.
Old passports, which I have, reveal that he arrived in Dieppe May 18, 1825, from England and was in Amsterdam on July 4th and Antwerp, Belgium July 11, 1825. He was engaged to be married to Isaphene Catherine Lawrence during the year he was in Europe, and had made for them in France a set of sixty pieces each of chinaware of many sizes of plates, soup dishes, and cups and saucers, and also a large number of serving dishes and platters, all with the McVickar double-eagle crest in gold. These dishes, now [175] years old, are still being used as prized possessions of several families of his descendants.
After spending more than a year in Europe, he intended to return on the Cadmus. However, in traveling from Brussels to Le Havre, the diligence broke down, delaying him. He found upon arriving in Le Havre that the vessel had sailed, the captain having left a note for him saying that he had waited as long as the tide would allow. Dr. McVickar was greatly annoyed at having missed the ship, but subsequently had reason to rejoice that he did: after leaving France, the Cadmus was lost at sea, never to be seen or heard from again.
On November 12, 1825 [Dr. Benjamin McVickar's 26th birthday] he and Isaphene Catherine Lawrence were married by his brother, Rev. John McVickar D.D., at the home of her parents at 498 Broadway. She was the third daughter of Isaac Lawrence, who was at that time president of the United States Bank in New York, and of Cornelia Ann (Beach) Lawrence, a daughter of the retired assistant rector of Trinity Church, Rev. Abraham Beach, D.D. Dr. Benjamin and Isaphene McVickar made their home at 496 Broadway, next door to her parents' home, and their five children were all born in this home.
Benjamin McVickar was a great lover of nature, fond of landscape gardening, and a very successful horticulturist. While in Europe, he had purchased many beautifully illustrated books on plants and wildlife, and had them sent to America. As a boy, these books fascinated me in my grandmother's collection. After he was married, he raised in the backyard of his New York home several varieties of grapes, beautiful peaches, and was noted for his lovely roses. Later, in 1836, when he established a country estate called Longwood, in Morrisania in Westchester County on the East River*, he sent to France and England for peach and pear trees, and had an orchard with a fine variety of fruits that had not been raised before in the vicinity. [*Morrisania is now part of the borough of the Bronx, which is no longer part of Westchester County. Most likely the estate was on what is now called the Harlem River.]
Dr. McVickar practiced medicine with great success in New York for about 12 years. It was said of him that in serious cases he did not fear to use heroic measures, but in general he did not prescribe large doses of medicine. He believed in strengthening rather than debilitating a patient by assisting Nature. In the summer of 1832, he remained in the city all through the terrible cholera epidemic, devoting himself to the sick and the poor. Over 10,000 people died in the city of New York during that fearful epidemic.
Dr. McVickar was named "Benjamin Moore" for Bishop Benjamin Moore, the second Episcopal bishop of New York, who was a first cousin of his mother. By both birth and education he was a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and gave liberally of his means toward its support. When first married, he was influential in forming the parish of St. Thomas in New York. While this church was being built on the corner of Broadway and Houston Streets, the new congregation met in an upper chamber over Delavan's Hardware store on the corner of Broadway and Broome Street. He was warden of this church until 1840, when he retired to his country estate in Westchester. There, he was a vestryman of St. Paul's Church.
Benjamin McVickar took an interest in all public enterprises calculated to advance the moral as well as the material interests of the city of New York. He was a member of the New York Historical Society, the Society Library of the American Institute, and a founding member of the New York Club, which, I believe, is now called the Union Club. Even though he was a modest, retiring private citizen, he always had a great interest in the city's welfare and a warm attachment to his many friends.
In 1833, his mother died, and in 1841 his father-in-law died as well. As a result of inheritances and a successful medical practice, Dr. McVickar was very wealthy and became interested in real estate investing. He was influential in having Broadway opened up north of 8th Street to Union Square, and he built two blocks of fine residences on the west side of Broadway from 8th to 10th Streets. Also, in partnership with his brother-in-law Beach Lawrence, he built forty-two houses on Union Square. In 1842, because of his extensive interests in these real estate developments, he maintained a town house on Clinton Place at 8th Street.
At about this time, speculation in western lands began in New York, since the opening of the Erie Canal a few years before had given a great impetus to western migration. Dr. McVickar and several of his wealthy friends made extensive "wildcat" speculations in the neighborhoods of St. Joseph and Monroe, Michigan. Dr. McVickar also bought large tracts of land near Portage, Wisconsin. He became interested in developing these land speculations, so he decided to go west. At the urging of an old friend named William B. Ogden, he planned to live near him in Chicago. A trip of two months in 1846 took him up the Hudson River, through the Erie Canal, and by sailing ship through Lake Erie, Lake Huron, and Lake Michigan. Dr. McVickar and his family then settled in Milwaukee rather than in Chicago; he had found the latter mired in mud. He had been impressed with the high bluffs and river valleys when the ship stopped briefly in Milwaukee. He purchased an entire city block south of Juneau Avenue between Cass and Van Buren streets. As it turned out, he lost heavily in his land speculations in Michigan and Wisconsin, and soon gave up his plan to develop towns in the West. However, he was still wealthy, and did not again establish again a medical practice; he did act as a consultant to other doctors for many years in Milwaukee on serious cases, when they needed his expert advice.
One year after settling in Milwaukee, he was a delegate in 1847 from St. Paul's Episcopal Church at the primary convention to establish a diocese. He was appointed by Bishop Kemper as one of a committee of five to report on a Constitution and Canons for the diocese. For the next 23 years Bishop Kemper has no wiser counselor than Dr. McVickar. From 1853 until 1862, he was senior warden of St. Paul's Church. He was influential in the purchase of land and establishment of St. Paul's Cemetery, now named Forest Home Cemetery. He resumed his great interest in horticulture, and had extensive gardens and orchards, employing three gardeners. He was noted for the great variety and beauty of his roses.
Benjamin McVickar was five feet ten inches in height, and slight of stature. He had dark hair, beautiful brown eyes, and a complexion that all his family was noted for. He was a man of rare culture, and was deeply religious as well as very generous. Both he and his brother, Rev. John McVickar, were staunch supporters of Bishop Kemper's work in establishing the Episcopal church in the west. He wrote charming poetry, and had a deep sense of humor. In social life he was a refined, courtly gentleman, with an urbanity, and a dignity of manner and character that inspired affection and respect, while it repelled familiarity or rudeness. He was just and generous in his dealings, moderate in his censure, and charitable in his judgments. He was universally respected and esteemed, and tenderly loved by his close family and friends. Though never entering public life, he exercised a strong influence for good in the communities in which he lived. In politics he was a Whig, and afterwards a Republican. He gave freely of his substance to the support of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, though his fortune was much impaired. He was never an abolitionist; but when the South sought to destroy the nation, he approved of President Lincoln's emancipation proclamation.
One daughter, Isaphene, died in May of 1848 at the age of thirteen. Cornelia married in 1853, to A. Galbraith Miller, an attorney in Milwaukee. They had five children. Anne married in 1854 Robert McCarter, and was widowed early in her married life. They had one daughter, Isaphene, who married a Mr. Eaton and was also soon widowed. She married second a Mr. Pond, an Englishman. After his death, she lived in Bournemouth, England, where I visited her in 1926, and again in 1931 with my wife. My grandmother, Maria Elizabeth, married Loyal Root Durand in 1866. John Lawrence, the only son of Dr. and Mrs. McVickar, was a man of rather poor health, a scholarly gentleman who should have been a professor. He was never successful in the lumbering or printing businesses his father established him in. He married Harriet Nazro in 1853. They had two children, both of whom died young. He died in 1877 at the age of 49. Dr. Benjmin McVickar's wife died in 1868.
Dr. McVickar at the age of 75 became almost blind, but bore it with great fortitude. He died May 4, 1883 at the age of 84, and was buried in the McVickar family lot in Forest Home Cemetery in Milwaukee on May 7, 1883." 
Benjamin Moore MCVICKAR
1396 From "Old Merchants of New York City," by Walter Barrett, Second Series, 1863, chapter 28, as quoted by S.R. Durand:

"Edmund, the fifth son, married Matilda, a daughter of William Constable. He has chiefly resided in northern New York, but spends his winter in the city."

Doran-Wood citation: Ancestry of Samuel Relf Durand, Durand, Samuel Relf (1904-1996) Publication: Palo Alto, CA: Handwritten, circa 1991, Repository: Collection of Derek Doran-Wood, Media: Manuscript, Page: 105. 
Edward Cope MCVICKAR
1397 She was the daughter of Edward and Matilda CONSTABLE MCVICKAR. Eweretta MCVICKAR
1398 From "Old Merchants of New York City," by Walter Barrett, Second Series, 1863, chapter 28, as quoted by S.R. Durand:

"The fourth son of old merchant John McVickar was named Henry. He was a merchant and lost overboard coming from Europe. He was one of the finest young men in New York, very handsome and a great favorite."

Doran-Wood citation: Ancestry of Samuel Relf Durand, Durand, Samuel Relf (1904-1996) Publication: Palo Alto, CA: Handwritten, circa 1991, Repository: Collection of Derek Doran-Wood, Media: Manuscript, Page: 105 
1399 Swept overboard on return voyage from Europe. Henry MCVICKAR
1400 Doran-Wood citation: Ancestry of Samuel Relf Durand, Durand, Samuel Relf (1904-1996) Publication: Palo Alto, CA: Handwritten, circa 1991, Repository: Collection of Derek Doran-Wood, Media: Manuscript, Page: 72 Isaphene MCVICKAR

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